NDR reports in a brief segment about our unique rope inspection system ROPESYS, which we developed in collaboration with the Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg: Link: ARD Mediathek
Merry Christmas 2021!
ROPESYS GmbH wishes you a Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year 2022! We would like to sincerely thank all our customers and partners for the good and trusting collaboration in the past year.ROPESYS GmbH is on Christmas break and will be back to assist you...
Developers & Technicians for ROPESYS rope inspection devices wanted.
Looking for a change in 2022? Our partner company ROTEC GmbH is looking for reinforcement in all areas: SoftwareingenieurInnen MechatronikerInnen MechanikerInnen ElektronikerInnen More information at: https://ro-tec.net/veraenderung-fuer-2022-gesucht/
ROTEC Innovation – a ZIM success story.
The Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy recognizes the rope inspection system ROPESYS developed by ROTEC as a "success story." Here PDF downloaden
ROPESYS rope inspection devices in use worldwide.
The latest generation of ROPESYS magnetic rope inspection devices has been available on the market since November 2020. We are pleased with the positive feedback and the fact that we can make customers around the world happy with our modern rope inspection system. The...
FAQs online
The answers to frequently asked questions can now be found on our new FAQ page: https://www.ropesys.com/faq/ Can't find the answer to your question? Feel free to send us an email!
R58 Smart Devices for Brazil.
Today, the first major delivery of 2021 has left us. The four brand-new R58 Smart Devices are on their way to Brazil to permanently monitor four lift ropes in operation. The Smart Devices are directly connected to the systems' controls to continuously transmit the...
Christmas at ROPESYS.
Today, just before Christmas, we were able to deliver the last ROPESYS rope testing device of 2020. The small R28 will be used to inspect ziplines in South Korea in the future! We would like to thank all our customers and partners for the amazing launch of our new...
Image-Video ROPESYS Rope Testing Systems
ROPESYS Rope Testing Systems Available from 16.11.2020 Youtube-Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faHyxhZwpuE More information at ropesys.com/Technologie or as pdf-Download brochureCombination testing system visual & magnetic for IMERYS Talc Austria